
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Funeral

"...What is your life?  You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."  James 4:14

Have you ever day dreamed about your funeral?  I've done that recently (Mom, I'm not depressed).  I've thought about what I would like it to be like, what I hope might be said.  So let me share just a bit of that.

At my funeral I definitely want a few things.  First, I want music.  I'd love the Wartburg Choir to sing my favorite song of theirs/ours, "Give Me Jesus".  I'd also like my cousins Kirsten, Seth and Nate to sing "I'll Fly Away" like we did for our Grandma's funeral, but I'd like Brent Krueger to accompany on the slide guitar because that sounds really fun.  So I want music at my funeral.

Secondly, I want stories.  I remember my Great-Uncle Clifford's funeral because it had stories.  These stories should be funny or embarrassing because I want my funeral to be a celebration of fun and embarrassing times.  Nobody should fall asleep.

Lastly, I want the Gospel shared.  People should leave my funeral thinking it was more about God and His gifts than me.  I want God to use my death to reach other people.

Now I know thinking about your own funeral seems morbid, but I don't think it is.  I mean, we are "a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" so why pretend that life goes on forever.  Plus, I've got a lot to gain by dying.  Paul said, "To die is gain" and I believe that.

Some of you are thinking, "This is morbid."  Most people that will think this post is morbid will think so because they are afraid of death and there's nothing wrong with that fear.  Others will think this is morbid because they're afraid of what people will say when they die.

What will people say about your life when it is over?

I think this is an important question, because the answer is mostly up to you.  You will be the one who writes your eulogy.

So start writing your eulogy today through your actions.  Write love into your eulogy.  Write service into it.  Write Godliness into it.  Write selflessness into it.  Write reliability.  Write your eulogy through your actions today.


  1. Kathie Ray-GrekoffMarch 2, 2011 at 7:13 PM

    This blog was a little tough to read, but I do believe each of us should try to let our loved ones know what we want at our own funerals. The only thing that I hope is that I go before any of my children! I like the idea of the celebration music and preaching the gospel at a funeral. It would only be fitting at yours since you have lived your life for Christ. We will definitely all die someday and will spend eternity somewhere. I plan on spending it with Jesus and all of my loved ones who have gone on before me in Heaven!

  2. If anyone truly believes Philippians 1:21-23, this thinking is anything but morbid.

    Personally, if I may add my little two cents of knowledge on this topic...working with hospice truly made me believe that my time can come at any moment. It urged me to begin preparing for my time. How will my life be celebrated? What kind of party will be thrown over my life? Will it be one that was just kind of "meh" or will there really be something to celebrate? Will my fellow friends and believers see a spark in me that makes them want to live my legacy out for Christ? Will my friends that aren't believers see something in me that they want to have also?

    Nichole Nordeman's "Legacy" sums this thought up for me.

  3. Great post Matt! I think this is something that every believer/non-believer should really think about.
    Thanks again for letting me crash at your house last night.

  4. Matt if you died who would i do bible study with? im just starting to get to know you. But this is a great post...i feel like right now out of all times our "church" is going through alot of death.
