
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Matthew 20:29-34

Take time to read this section of Matthew 20.

At this point in Jesus' life He is literally on a death march.  Jesus had said early that He was walking to Jerusalem to be sacrificed.  Jesus knows that He is going to be betrayed, flogged and crucified while He is in Jerusalem, yet He marches ahead to Jerusalem.

While on His way, two blind men call out to Him.  "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!"  Jesus could have turned and been like, "Do you know what I'm going through?  Do you understand the pressure I have on my mind right now?  All you have is a little case of blindness.  Back off because I'm having a bad day!  I mean, I'm being lead like a lamb to be slaughtered and my disciples are arguing about who's going to sit beside me in heaven and you are yelling at me to help you."

Jesus didn't do that.  Jesus, instead, called out to them and had compassion on them and healed them.

So, when you think you're under pressure.  When you are having a bad day.  Remember, that when Jesus was under pressure He still had compassion on those around Him.  So, if Jesus looked beyond Himself (He didn't have to), we should definitely look beyond ourselves.

So don't be absorbed by only your problems.  Be compassionate to the world around you today.

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