
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

30 Hour Famine

So yesterday and into today I got to do 30 Hour Famine with the kids at Redeemer Lutheran.  This is my third year hanging out with them for that (although I had to leave early this year).  Every year 30 Hour Famine reminds me of a few things.

1) I need to be fasting more.  As Christians, I believe, we are called to fast.  When Jesus gives instructions about fasting He says, "When you fast" not "If you fast".  Jesus expected all of us to fast.  Now I've never done anything more than about a day or two, but we are called to fast.  Fasting reminds us of our reliance on God rather than food.  So if you want to feel closer to God, fast.  Plus, you can fill normal meal-time with pray-time or time in the Word.  So, please fast.

2) Children are dying every day due to hunger related diseases.  Every day 8,000 children die from hunger related diseases.  During the 30 Hour Famine this year we wrote "5 more" on post-it notes to represent the children that die in a day due to hunger.  Those post-it notes covered all the windows in the back of Redeemer's sanctuary.  It took me and three others almost an hour to put up all those post-it notes and that doesn't include the time it took to write "5 more" on each note.  We as Christians need to be the hands and feet of God and work to stop this injustice!  "5 more" should read "NO More!".

So, give fasting a try some time this week (it is Lent) and pray for the starving children of the world today.

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