
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

My Dad Comes Through Always

Today at church we spent time in Discipleship Class discussing our adoption as sons of God and in service we talked about how to spiritually mature.

During musical worship my mind was drawn to think of the reality that God is my Father.  That I can call Him Dad.  The first song we sang (and this wasn't planned to be connected to what was taught in Discipleship Class) was "Good, Good Father" by Chris Tomlin.  That song was a God-send, but the song I want to share today is not that song.

I want to share the song "Always" as by Kristian Stanfill and Tricia Brock.  The song is very rich, but on occasion in songs I like to substitute various names of God.  Today my soul was warmed by this.  I switched out the word "God" and in the word "Dad".  I did this to think of my mighty Dad, not my earthly dad.

"Oh, my Dad, He will not delay, my refuge and strength always.
I will not fear, His promise is true
My Dad will come through always.

I was there holding my son and thinking about how imperfectly I love my son and yet would always do my best to come through for him.  While thinking that thought I thought a higher thought of how my Dad, my Heavenly Father, is so much more loving and more capable than my earthy dad is for me or I am for Joshua.

Listen to this song and substitute the word Dad today.

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