"He's extreme, I'm Christian. I love Jesus, but he thinks Jesus tells him to say things. And I'm like, I'm like, 'Jesus ain't say that."
The country responded to those comments made by Omarosa (the reality star turned White House employee turned reality star... what a day we're living in). On "The View" Joy Behar likened Mike Pence's alleged communication to Jesus to mental illness saying, "It's one thing to talk to Jesus. It's another thing when Jesus starts talking to you. That's called mental illness." Sherri Shepard responded by saying, in a nut shell, that talking with Jesus is okay but that the Bible says all things in moderation and that includes talking with Jesus.
So, and this isn't political, does Jesus talk to Mike Pence?
Does Jesus talk to any of us?
I've been writing and thinking about prayer lately. Prayer is often thought of as us talking to God, but listening is as important if not more important in prayer. So, does Jesus talk to Mike Pence?
I can't speak for Mike Pence but I can speak for myself and I can relay some of what the Bible says. Jesus does talk to us in prayer.
First of all, I have never heard the audible voice of Jesus and I don't expect to until I die or He returns. In fact, I am a hardcore Christian but a skeptic of anyone that says they heard Jesus talk audibly to them. God did do that in the Bible and God may still do that today, but I'm going to start with doubt if anyone tells me they heard Jesus audibly.
So, in prayer how do we listen if we don't hear an audible voice?
There are more ways than I'm going to get into but the main way is in the Word of God. Jesus is called the Word. The Bible is called the Word of God for a reason. This is the main way that God speaks today to His people.
"But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you." John 14:26
The Holy Spirit reminds us of what Jesus has already said. He often does this by reminding us of Scripture we have already learned or by bringing that Scripture to us in some way. The Word of God once again is the main way we hear from Jesus today. The Holy Spirit may prompt us to notice a situation in which we can put the Word into action but He will not speak words that contradict the Bible in any way ever.
There are some that have called themselves "Listeners" like Sarah Young who wrote Jesus Calling however this method of communication from Jesus is not one endorsed by the Scriptures or by orthodox Christianity. Those who claim to get direct, new revelation from Jesus are to be doubted at best and labeled as heretics at worst. Many a cult has ended in sorrowful fashion following a leader who claimed to be one who can hear direct, new revelation from Jesus Himself that is not contained in the Bible. All communication from Jesus that we have today will sound like His voice. What is His voice? His known voice is the Word of God, the Bible.
"Does not wisdom call out?
Does not understanding raise her voice? Proverbs 8:1
In the book of Proverbs wisdom is personified as a woman calling out to those who will listen. This imagery is poetic but also a way that we know the triune God speaks to us. Jesus talks to us through wisdom. Wisdom, whether from logic or consulting with those more experienced than you or any manner of wise decision making, is in fact a way that Jesus speaks to us. Many times basic wisdom is coupled with a Biblical principle and a peace that one feels. Wisdom is a way that God speaks to us today.
I have said that I have had Jesus speak to me. I've never heard His audible voice but I have been directed by Jesus. When I was led from teaching and into radio I would describe it as being led by God though I never heard His audible voice. I felt something in me pulling me away from teaching, although that path made sense. I felt no peace until I decided to change course. I truly believe that was God directing my paths, but I made sure to check with Scripture and with those who had wisdom and to pray a lot before changing course.
Does Jesus speak to Mike Pence? I don't know what Jesus does for Mr. Pence. Does Jesus speak to Christians? Yes. I've been saddened by the reaction to Omarosa's statements on Celebrity Big Brother because it insults my faith, but I also think this is a good time to ask what we mean when we say Jesus speaks to us. I'm not going to listen to you simply because you declare, "Well, Jesus told me..." I will check to make sure the voice you're hearing sounds like Jesus and His words in the Holy Bible.
Prayer is about talking to God and it's about listening. Be sure that when you listen you aren't hearing your pride or your fear talking but that you're hearing Jesus. Take time to listen during prayer, and that means praying with your Bible open today.

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