
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Moderation in all Things?

Yesterday I wrote about The View's reaction to Omarosa saying Mike Pence believes that Jesus talks to him.  During that discussion besides what I wrote yesterday another thing stuck out to me and it's because I've heard this phrase used abundantly in Christianese.

"As a Christian that is par for the course.  You talk to Jesus and Jesus talks back.  What concerns me is how long is the conversation with Jesus... even in the Bible it says do all things in moderation.  So anything that is too much in concerning." -Sherri Shepard

Often in Christians circles we say, "The Bible says" where the Bible doesn't say.  Do all things in moderation is one of these sayings.  No where in the Bible does it say, "Do all things in moderation."  "Moderation in all things" is a quote attributed to Aristotle or an old English proverb depending on who you trust to certify quotes.  This quote was modified by many including  Oscar Wilde to, "Everything in moderation, including moderation" and Ralph Waldo Emerson to, "Moderation in all things, especially moderation."  Moderation can be a wise thing, but no where in the Bible does it say to do all things in moderation.

When is moderation a good thing?

Moderation is a very good practice in many, if not most, aspects of our lives.  Moderation in the eating of cake is good because it keeps us from gluttony.  Moderation in the drinking of wine is good because it keeps us from drunkenness.  Moderation in sleep is good because it keeps us from becoming sloths.  Moderation in the spending of money is good because it keeps us from going broke.  Moderation is something books like Proverbs and Ecclesiastes champion.  In Galatians 5:23 self-control is listed as a fruit of the Spirit and in many cases self-control and moderation are identical twins.

When is moderation foolish?

Moderation is a good thing unless we are talking about the best things in life.  Moderation in fidelity is no virtue.  Moderation in kindness is no virtue.  And moderation in prayer is not a Christian goal either.

None of the noteworthy Christians that we admire through history are remembered for their moderation in the pursuit of the Kingdom and its righteousness.

Hudson Taylor and Lottie Moon are remembered for their non-moderate desire to bring the Gospel to the people of China.  George Müller cared for over 10,000 orphans on the wings of not-so moderate prayer.  Martin Luther certainly isn't remembered as being a moderate in his passion for the Gospel.  William Wilberforce was seen as nothing short of a radical in his goal of ending the slave trade.

Moderation is good with chocolate, TV or beer but when it comes to obedience to and worship of our God let us be gluttons!

Moderation in many things, yes.  But let us not allow the unbiblical saying of "in all things moderation" be used to temper our walk with Jesus.  Let us never slow our prayer life or our generosity in the name of moderation in all things.  Let us be people that look up what the good book says for ourselves and not fall into the lies Chrisianese can lead us into.

Throw away any thoughts of moderation as you pursue the Author of Life and live life abundantly by recklessly chasing after He who is our life today.

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