
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Phalanx

I've used the imagery before of fighting a battle in our lives as Christians.  Ephesians 6 gives us descriptions of the armor of God.  It is such a powerful analogy because some days, weeks and months feel more like war than others.

So, put on your amor to fight the powers of darkness.  The powers of darkness want to destroy you.  Be ready to fight.

However, we are not an army of one.  We are an army of The One, but this is not a solo battle.  I firmly believe that we need to be in a phalanx with our brothers and sisters in this fight.

The phalanx was a Greek and Roman fighting unit made up of tight knit infantry.  These men were alright fighting alone in open space; but together, side-by-side, they were a force with which to be reckoned.  The phalanx kicked butt against the enemy through their synergic power.

We need to be in a phalanx to kick the enemy's butt.  Brothers and sisters, we need each other.  Don't fight alone!

My cousin Nate has an interesting blog on community and how he encourages it in his church.  www.nateray.com   You can read it if you'd like.

Live together.  Fight together!

This is so important.  I want to thank the many of you who are in my personal phalanx.  Some of you do it from a distance through the miracle of prayer.  But many of you are so gracious and loving and are able to do it face to face.  Thank you.  You have no idea the strength that this gives me.  God uses you in a big way.

To those of you that read that last paragraph and don't know the feeling that I expressed, I pray that God leads you to a community of brothers and sisters or engages you in the community of brothers and sisters that already surrounds you.

Let's destroy the enemy.  Let's crush Satan under our feet.  Let's do it with God together.  Be in a phalanx of believers today.

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