This passage is part of a letter to captives taken by Babylon to live in a home not their own. The prophet Jeremiah tells the people to not sit and wait to go back home but to work for the peace and prosperity of the land in which they now.
This world is not our home, at least not until Christ brings Heaven down here to earth. This present world is something we are sojourners in. 1 Peter 2:11 calls us "aliens and strangers in the world." This present world is not our forever home, but it is our home today. We are not to live with our chairs facing east waiting on our butts for Jesus to come back. Yes, we should eagerly wait for Him to return but we should do it like the first two men in the parable of the talents. We should be busy waiters. We should be caught serving our communities when Jesus returns. We should be caught bettering this world when its owner comes back.
With that in mind, I got a phone call recently asking if I'd be part of the MDA Lock Up. I will be "in jail" on Thursday, March 22nd until my $2,000 bail is met. $2,000 will support a person with MDA or ALS or the like going to camp.
ALS is the disease my step-dad's mother died of and it is awful. Children with MDA and ALS and other similar diseases need our help so that's why I'm part of this lock up in Waverly.
My campaign has just started. Please consider donating by clicking here today.

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