
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Acts 23- The Lord Stood Near Paul

Please take time to read Acts 23.

I'm excited to be back in the book of Acts.  I'm excited because it means all the interruptions that kept my Bible study and I from meeting are over.  I'm also excited to see what God reveals in the final chapters of Acts.

In chapter 23 Paul stood trial before the crooked Sanhedrin, had his nephew save his life and had 470 Romans soldiers escort him to safety.  This would be a great episode in the mini-series movie of Acts.  In this action packed John Gresham style court drama one verse stood out to me in particular.

"The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, 'Take courage!  As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome."  Acts 23:11

The Lord stood near Paul.  Think about that.  The Lord stood near Paul.

A friend of mine recently challenged me to use my imagination to glorify God.  She said that I am quick to use my mind but I can use my imagination more often to see God.  So let's imagine right now.  When you finish reading this post imagine the Lord standing near you.  Imagine Him side-by-side with you in your struggle.  We do not serve a God who is distant.  Yes, our God is sitting on His throne right now but He is so big He can also be at your side.

"The Lord stood near Paul and said, 'Take courage!"

What is the Lord asking you to take courage in?  What struggle are you in that He wants to encourage you through?  Whatever it is He will encourage you by your side!  That is awesome.

So, join me in using our imaginations to worship God.  Imagine the Lord, as He is, at your side today.

1 comment:

  1. Be prepared for God to take you to amazing places in your imagination Matt. Just let go and let Him. My heart is happy that you are seeing this.
