
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hard Truths in Hard Times

I am a very confident person.  I have confidence to go out and speak a hard truth to people and have no issues backing it up.  I feel just fine telling people what's right and what's wrong... and then stuff gets tough.

Late Saturday afternoon a group of five local kids were driving near New Hartford when they wrecked their car.  In the accident a boy named Paxton Miller died.  He had just turned 15 on July 12th.

What now, is the confidence still there in the hard truths I lean on?  I'm going to ask some questions about some hard truths.  This is not me doubting, but it is me wondering.

1) Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."

I can't speak for Paxton, because I didn't really know him, but how is this working together for the good of the young guys I know who love Paxton?  God, why would you use a death for good?  How could you use death for good?

2) 1 John 4:8 "... God is love."

How is this love?  I don't know, but wouldn't love give him more time?  When is the death of a boy love?

3) John 14: 6 "I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."

Why can't everyone come to the Father?  I mean, couldn't you do that?

4) Psalm 115:3 "Our God is in heaven; He does whatever pleases Him."

Why didn't it please you to save him?  Did it please you that a boy should die?  

It is easy to believe the hard truths of God in easy times, but to believe hard truths in hard times is not easy at all.  We can't do it.  I'm serious, we can't.  It is only through the strength God gives us to trust Him that believing these hard truths in hard times is possible.

Do I know the answer to the questions posed above?  No.  But read Job 38.  This is where I have to go.  I have to trust that He is bigger than me and can see the whole plan.  I have to trust that He is keeping His promises and doing what's right.  But I never have to understand it.

God give me the strength to believe in hard truths in hard times today.


  1. Matt, I read this blog and prayed that if I could provide answers that God would rush them into my heart. I furiously started writing ideas and verses that came to mind. I would rather explain it outside of this blog because my comments would run on forever. I'll send it or meet up with you if you want.

  2. I've gotten a lot of response from this and I'm wondering whether this was the best format for this discussion.

    However, my point in writing this was not to encourage doubt in God. I have no doubts in God in writing this. That being said, I believe that questioning God and expressing frustrations is not only healthy but it is Biblical. I also, believe that these questions are better off asked than answered, unless we want to be like Job's friends and speak for God when we have no idea what we are talking about.

    Thank you all for your concern. And if any of you are asking God these same questions, know that it is alright as long as at the end of the day you say "I trust you."
