
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Acts 1- Waiting

I'm getting back to what I really enjoy doing in a blog, that is expository writing.  Last year I walked through the book of Matthew with some pit stops in Malachi, Proverbs and other more random posts.  This year, or at least for 28 posts, I will walk through Acts.  I'm excited for this study because I truly believe that my generation is eager to get back to an Acts kind of Church.

Please read Acts 1 because I will never be able to touch on all of it.  However, I do want to land on one verse.

Acts 1:4 "On one occasion, while He was eating with them, He gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about."

Do you like to wait?  I'm guessing none of you do because I hate it.  Saturday I was stuck in a rain delay during a football game I was calling for three hours.  I went nuts!  I hate to wait.  I especially hate to wait when I know I'm supposed to do something.

This is where the disciples are in Chapter 1 of Acts.  Jesus tells them to wait.

Why on earth would Jesus tell them to wait?  He had died on the cross for the sins of the world.  He had risen again, conquering death in the process.  Why wait now?  I mean the disciples have good news a.k.a. gospel to share with everyone.  Why wait on a good thing?  But Jesus said, "Wait".

Some of you are in this spot with the disciples.  God has told you that you are going to do something good and then He said, "Wait".  Maybe you know that you are supposed to have a job that will do good for others and He says "Wait".  Maybe you know that you are supposed to be a husband and a father and He says "Wait'.  Maybe you are supposed to be a missionary somewhere and He says "Wait".

Why on earth does Jesus ever say wait?  Doesn't He say "Go"?  I mean, I've read the Great Commission and He told the disciples "Go", right?

I believe Jesus said "Wait" to the disciples for the very same reason He says "Wait" to you and I.  Jesus was preparing them for the task.  "... but wait for the gift my Father promised."  He wanted the disciples to be fully equipped with the Holy Spirit.  If they hadn't been equipped the miracles Luke writes about later in Acts might not have occurred.

So, while we wait Jesus is preparing us for the task.  Ask yourself how you can allow Him to prepare you.  Maybe this involves spending time in the Word so He can speak preparation to you.  Maybe you need to be in prayer like the disciples were in Chapter 1.  Maybe you need to do similar, smaller tasks to get prepared.  Whatever it is we need to wait actively so that we can be prepared for the task we are waiting for.

Waiting isn't fun, but waiting is for our good.  Remember the song, "Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord."  His timing is right.  Actively wait today.

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