"Hold it tight and never let go. If you let go of my hand I will be very mad at you. You'll be in big trouble. OK?"
"We have this rule because I want to keep you safe. OK?"

Obedience was essential at the Grand Canyon. If my son wasn't an obedient child then I would have had huge reservations about taking him to a place that people die at on a semi-regular basis. Every month or so someone dies at the canyon. Many from dehydration, but others from falling off the side into the immense chasm.
If my son was mildly obedient I may have brought him to places with railings and nothing more or I would have made him stay in the stroller the whole time. But my son, thankfully, is very obedient at this moment in his life. So we went to places without rails. We went to Yaki Point on the South Rim and stood near the edge staring in wonder at what God had made.
My son's obedience allowed him to see majestic views.
Isn't it much the same in our walk with God? Doesn't our obedience allow us to see majestic views we might otherwise not experience first hand?
There are faith journeys we may miss out on because of our disobedience. There are aspects of God's character that we may never experience due to disobedience. There are mighty acts of God in our life we may never know because we choose our own ways instead of His. There are points we may never view because we fail to follow in obedience while holding the Father's hand tightly refusing to let go.
The word obedience often conjures in our minds ideas of what we may miss out on by being obedient, but perhaps we should think on the things we'll miss out on if we aren't obedient. What adventures does the Father have for His children if they would only listen and follow obediently?
Follow Christ obediently. Grasp onto His hand and ask Him to lead you where He wants you to go with Him. Through obedience get ready for the majestic things our God has to show you today.