Right now I think there are many afraid to say black lives matter because they don't agree with everything the Black Lives Matter movement stands for. I get this. The Black Lives Matter movement is highly decentralized and therefore can, at times, stand for a plethora of things that one may or may not agree with.
But let me urge you to say black lives matter even if you can't say Black Lives Matter.
Some of you want to say it but fear that people will think you're looking to defund or dismantle the police and you can't comprehend what that might look like or perhaps you're vehemently against that and feel we shouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Maybe you want reform and not a more radical approach. Perhaps you worry that Black Lives Matter is a mostly secular movement unlike the Civil Rights Movement and doesn't represent your beliefs thoroughly enough.
Can you still say black lives matter if you can't say Black Lives Matter?
My brother told me that civil rights and community development leader Dr. John Perkins told him that he isn't part of Black Lives Matter but when there is a righteous moment to join them he does. Can you do this? Can you join alongside Black Lives Matter even if you're wary of being part of the movement itself?
Can you type black lives matter even if you won't type Black Lives Matter?
I've seen Christians pointing out the flaws of the movement but, like Mika Edmondson, I'll ask,where is the Christian version of this movement then? And "Why am I not as torn up over this as non-Christians are?... How can Black Lives Matter see the value of black life better than we can?"
Can you see that Jesus thinks black lives matter enough to die for?
As comedian Michael Che joked (with some crudeness FYI), "... that's a controversial statement: black lives matter. Not matters more than you, just matters. Matters. Just matters. That's where we're starting the negotiations." And later regarding All Lives Matter: "that would be like your wife asking 'Do you love me?' and you're like 'Baby, I love everybody. What you talkin' about?"
Christians, all lives matter. From womb to tomb they all matter. But when your child is feeling unloved and scared you don't get on your knee and say, "All people matter." No, you put them on your lap and tell them how precious they are. When your brother wonders about his worth don't wound him more.
Jesus said, "Blessed are the ______". He was specific and direct to tell hurting, mourning, poor people that they were not worthless, but blessed. When the disciples thought little of the small children, Jesus gave them His time specially. When He needed a hero for His story He picked a Samaritan and not the privileged priest (Luke 10:25-37).
So, if you can't say Black Lives Matter, can you say black lives matter? If you can't then I worry about your faith. I'm not being flippant, I'm not saying this for shock value. If you can't tell a whole segment of people that they matter then I don't know if you know the One who allowed Himself to be crushed to death on a cross. I don't know if you know the One who said, "I thirst" and eventually could not breath Himself as His oppressors callously gambled for His clothes. I don't know if you know the One that implores me to care about the least of these His brothers if you can't affirm that the young, black man sitting in a pew in a different church across town matters.(Matthew 25:40).
It's OK to not be on board with the Black Lives Matter movement in totality. It's OK to hold out endorsement until you've more fully understood. But for the love of Jesus let's affirm that black lives matter and in fact have eternal worth bestowed upon them by their Maker and Redeemer.
If you can't say Black Lives Matter can you say black lives matter today?

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