
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Monday, March 18, 2013

When Eternity Hits Home

I've been able to witness tragedy and joy in the last couple of days.  This, alongside a simple Gospel message from Pastor David Orr, reminded me of the significance of our call to be a part of God's mission.

I'll start with the tragedy.

Thursday tragedy struck Waverly.  Two men were in a grain bin and were overcome by gasses and they died.  The men were a father and son who owned Schneider's Milling.  This freak accident stole two men from their family.  One was the patriarch of the family.  The other was a young father with one child and one more on the way.  What a tragedy.

This morning I found out that a loyal listener of our station, who also worked part-time for us, died on Saturday.  Thomas was an extremely active listener.  He request a song from me every day and would frequently call me at the station.  In fact, I was in contact with him Friday morning.  Friday night this 43 year-old man had a stroke and was dead in a day leaving behind a wife.  What a tragedy.

These tragedies remind me that, as the King Solomon said and Pastor David reminded me last night, that life is a vapor.  We are all here today and gone tomorrow.  We all need to think of eternity often, but in times of tragedy eternity hits home.

Now the joy.

Last night I got the opportunity to, alongside Brian Miller, Colton Wagner and Ryan Lee, lead worship at my dad's church for their Spring Evangelism Rally.  At the rally Pastor David Orr gave a simple Gospel message asking us to consider the costs of following Christ.  The message was simple and true. Last night three young people counted the cost and put their trust in Jesus.  These three considered eternity with Jesus as a joy that could be theirs.  What a joy to witness!

Eternity will hit home in your life.  I guarantee it.  Our lives are a vapor.  You can be here today and gone tomorrow.  Is your eternal soul in the hands of Jesus Christ?  Is He your Lord and Savior?  Are you a child of God?  You can be.  Admit that you are a sinner in need of a savior.  Believe that Jesus is who He claims to be.  Then give God your life to control.  If you do that I won't promise an easy life, but I will promise, because God promises, that you will be with Him in paradise.

In tragedy and in joy trust your eternity to God.  Spread your hope in Jesus.  Live for Jesus today.

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