
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Love Notes

Today is the first day of March, but I want to look back at February.  February is a short month but a month filled with love.  There's Valentine's Day and the expectation of expensive gifts and romantic gestures.  I'm writing to brag about my fiance's romantic gesture.

My fiance Christine wrote a reason she loved me on a note card for every day of February.  She wrote a reason she loved me on the front and then dated the note on the back and often times left an explanation of the reason on the back.  She left these notes for me to find every day this month.

I can't begin to tell you what that means to me.  Her notes are filled with love and encouragement and they didn't cost a dime, but I wouldn't trade this amazing gift for any amount of money.  These notes strengthen my resolve to love her.

God does this for us, too.  God has love notes strewn across the pages of the Bible.  The Bible speaks of God's unfailing love.  It writes how God formed us in our mother's womb.  It is clear that God loves you and I.  "For God so loved the world the He gave His only begotten Son."  God wrote love notes to you and I.

God even writes love notes in the sky.  Ever wonder why a sunset is beautiful?  Because God wants it to be beautiful.  In a way, a sunset is a love note that can strengthen our resolve to love God.

I love Christine's love notes.  They are such a perfect gift.  That being said, the love notes God left for us in His Word are 100% better.  I'm ecstatic that Christine loves me and tells me so.  But it's beyond amazing that "Jesus loves me.  This I know 'cause the Bible tells me so."  Mediate on God's love notes to you today.

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