
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Don't Misuse His Name

 I would rather people use the "F-word" than say the name of Jesus Christ as a curse word.  It is like nails on a chalkboard to me, especially when they use it in a way that brings other people down.  

I was taught growing up to not use the Lord's name in vain.  No OMG and no JC's were to come out my mouth, but is that the extent of the third commandment?

"You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name." Exodus 20:7

The King James Version, which I grew up learning this verse in, says, "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain."  What does it mean to take the name of the LORD in vain?  What does it look like to misuse the name of Yahweh?

First, I do think it means not using it to curse others.  I don't think it should be used as an umm, as so many OMGers use it.  The way my parents, and your parents likely taught it, is solid.  But does it mean more?

I see my God's name misused in so many ways.  Rather than using His name to bless Him or bless others it is used to further our own agenda.  We see this every single November.  Team Donkey and Team Elephant use God's name to court voters.  Neither party and hardly any individual power seeker is excited to submit to God's Name but they are more than happy to woo Christian voting blocks with strategic utilization of Bible verses and God mentions.  Marketing executives throw enough God talk in to sell their product.  Bands that have ceased to believe in Jesus keep up the charade for the sake of the business until they can no longer stomach it.

I also misuse Christ's name.  I bear His name.  I proudly wear the name of Christ as a "Christ"ian.  Christian means "little Christ", yet I do not love my neighbor well and I enjoy the very sin for which He died.  When we fail to live changed lives we "are slandering the noble name of Him to whom we belong" (James 2:7).  Will we be perfect? No.  But when we show no interest in or effort toward bearing the Name well we bring dishonor on the most honorable name.  We must strive to live a life worthy of our calling (Ephesians 4:1) or we misuse His name.

God's name is not a joke.  His name is not a curse.  Jesus' name is not a tool to secure votes or a sale.  God's name is not to be held like an insurance policy, but rather as a high calling.  

We must repent of using His name in vain.  "...for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name."  Beware!  But thanks be to God that the One He sent wore the name in a most glorious way.  Jesus didn't bring shame to God's name but instead succeeded so well in using God's name that Jesus has now been given the name above every name (Philippians 2:9).

Use God's name well.  Be like Jesus and crucify the pursuit of your great name and pursue the fame of His.  If we can do this, we can keep the third commandment well.  And when we fail, and we will, we must lean on the work of Jesus to cover our sin.

Don't use the LORD's name in vain today.

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