
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

She Didn't Want to go to Australia

She did not want to go to Australia.

My sister lives in Australia and a couple years ago my dad was planning to go visit her there.  He was extremely excited about this trip of a lifetime.  When he asked my step-mom to go with him she didn't want to go.

My step-mom thought Australia wasn't going to be a beautiful place. "It's dry and brown," she said repeatedly.  She had zero interest in the continent.  It just didn't appeal to her taste, she thought.

Then you add in the 23 and a half hours in the air from Cedar Rapids, Iowa to Adelaide, South Australia not counting the layovers and she really wasn't interested in going.

She did not want to go to Australia.

Luckily my dad's sisters and brother-in-law decided to go as well and that helped convince Becky to come along on the long journey.

When she got there she was amazed.  The visions of Australia she had in her head from cartoons and pop culture weren't what she saw.  She saw the beautiful architecture she loves, the expansive beaches, the lush landscape, the wonderful wildlife, the thrilling culture and the friendly people.  Becky loved her trip to Australia but a false perception of the country almost prevented her from wanting to go.

Heaven is like this for some of us.

Pop culture tells us Heaven is one long, boring church service on a cloud.  Pop culture tells us that a harp playing, toga and halo wearing existence awaits on the other side.  Many of us think about Heaven and aren't too excited to go.

Then we read about the narrow road that leads there and we really don't want to go.  The destination doesn't seem worth the flight time and layovers.  Heaven, for too many of us, doesn't seem worth the pain and striving of a life of sanctification, molding, discipleship and cross-bearing.

Much like with Becky and Australia we must be reminded that our promised land is a land flowing with milk and honey.  We have to be reminded that at His right hand are pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11), not eternal boredom.

My dad once told me about a conversation he had with a hitchhiker.  They spoke of Heaven and Hell and the hitchhiker said he wanted to go to Hell because Heaven was boring and Hell was going to be one big party.  Well, it's not; it's the opposite if anything.

We Christians must think rightly about Heaven.  We must be excited to go because the destination is worth it.

"The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months.  He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander His name and His dwelling place and those who live in Heaven."  Revelation 13:5-6

Randy Alcorn says that the beast was to talk bad about three things: God person, God's people and God's place, meaning Heaven.

Let's not fall for the lies of the devil or the beast.  Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us (John 14:1-3) and it is wonderful.  The present Heaven and the New Heaven and New Earth are worth the journey.  Like in Pilgrim's Progress the arduous hike from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City is more than worth all the effort and all the scars.  Our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed (Romans 8:18), just like the plane ride as long and tedious as is it is not worth comparing to being in Australia.

Be excited about Heaven.  Think more rightly about Heaven and watch as the journey of life seems lighter and lighter in comparison today.

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