January 19th, 2020 is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Throughout the country many churches will commemorate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday: some will preach sermons, some will make announcements, some will have special music or videos.
Abortion is not the only issue pertaining to the sanctity of human life that must be addressed by the Church. There are a litany of abuses against the imago dei in human beings that must prophetically be spoke against, but the day was originally intended to be about abortion and that issue is big enough to have its own Sunday.
I am appalled and disturbed by the millions of humans who are aborted. It truly saddens me. I pray for a day when abortion is as unthinkable and illegal as slavery in this country.
For some of you tomorrow is going to be an awkward and painful Sunday. Some of you sitting in the pews have had an abortion. Some of you pressured a girlfriend to abort.
"Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.' For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners." Matthew 9:13
God is not excitedly waiting to smite you in your pew. No, He's eagerly waiting to give you mercy. He is softly and tenderly calling out to sinners of all types to come close to Him for healing and forgiveness.
God does not delight in any way, shape or form in the destruction or degradation of His image in humans. What He does delight in is seeing His Son's blood be effective in the lives of sinners. He longs to find what was lost and repair what is broken. He isn't looking to dig up skeletons, but to raise up the dead.
Christians, let us not miss mercy on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. By all means let us redouble our efforts to protect the sanctity and dignity of human life, but let us never do that by robbing the cross of its purpose.
Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, and not sacrifice' today.

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