Weddings are great to go to for anybody, but they are especially good for married people. At weddings you do at times want to tell people what they're getting themselves into. There are times when you stare at the happy bride and the grinning groom and think how naively happy they look.
However, at weddings married people must fight the urge to be cynical. The wedding ceremony is a powerful reminder. The ceremony reminds us that we looked at each other like that on our big day, too. The way the groom glows looking at his bride walking down the aisle is the way I need to look at my wife more. The happy tears of the bride remind us that we need to allow ourselves to be overwhelmed with joy when those moments come in our married life.
But the best part to pay attention to is the charge and the vows. Yesterday in the charge the pastor spoke of the agape love that is necessary to stay married. The type of love that looks to give no matter the return. The unconditional love that initiates love without even expecting a return. The love that is given regardless of how we feel. That was a good reminder for me.
I also try to pay close attention to the vows. I too made very similar serious promises. Promises to have and to hold for richer or for poorer and in sickness and in health. I too promised my fidelity until death parts us. The vows remind me of the very serious and solemn commitments I made Christine.
Wedding season is coming up fast. Married people, don't waste weddings. Have fun dancing and eat well, but don't miss the powerful reminders the ceremony has for us. On our wedding day we made major promises to our spouse and our God. Use these weddings as promise keeping fuel.
If you're a married person I encourage you to look at photos and/or think back to your wedding day and the love you felt and the covenant you made today.

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