Anything I do he tries to do, too. He likes my shirts, my shoes, my screwdrivers, my Bible... anything of mine.
Today is my 32nd birthday and a chance to be reflective. A chance to take stock in my life and my fathering.
Before Christmas two questions burned in me. Two questions came into my mind and have stayed there:
Would my son want to be like me and would I want him to?
At 19 months my son thinks I'm all that. I remember thinking my dad was the biggest, strongest, smartest guy, too. But will my son want to be like me when he's a man? Will my life look to him as something to be copied? Will my son see my life as something to aspire to or to avoid?
Would I want my son to be like me? Am I living a life that I would want my son to strive toward? Is my character one that I want to see duplicated in this world? I can't control the answer to the first question as much as I can control this one. Having children has increased my desire to live a life worth xeroxing.
"Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." 1 Corinthians 11:1
Is that something I could say to my son and daughters? Will my example blaze a trail toward Christlikeness for my kids or toward selfishness?
On my birthday I ask for one gift: would you pray that God conform me to the image of Christ so that I would be worthy of my son's adoring and copying today?

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