I have done this in the past but got out of the practice of doing it.
Toothbrush prayers.
I used to have a list of names divided out by days of the week. I taped that list of names to my bathroom mirror. Every day and night I would pray for the names of the day. This year I'm going to use the prayer sheets provided by our church. An example of the prayer sheet is below.

I don't know why I ever stopped doing this. Everyday I conservatively estimate that I spend 7 minutes in front of the bathroom mirror brushing my teeth, shaving, putting on deodorant, etc . Other places estimate mirror time differently, but I'll use 7 minutes a day. At 7 minutes a day I will spend 42.583 hours or 2,555 minutes a year doing these toothbrush prayers.
Too much of our mirror time is spent thinking about us. While I'm not arguing that you don't look at yourself in the mirror, I am saying this time could be spent talking with God and petitioning for others. How would your mornings and evenings change if you spent this time in prayer?
In 2019 I encourage you to add toothbrush prayers to your daily routine. Grace Baptist Church attenders, the resource pictured above can help keep your prayers fresh. Why wouldn't we do this?
Spend an extra 42.5 hours of prayer with me in 2019 beginning today.
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