For many, Mothers' Day is somber or perhaps even cruel day. For some, the Mothers' Day church service is a reminder of what they don't have anymore or never had. For some each carnation passed out amongst the pews is a dagger to their soul.
Some have lost their mother and this holiday is the reminder of what they lost. For some their pain is an empty chair at the table that belonged to the child they had to bury. Others mourn the child that was miscarried. And others hurt for the mother they can't seem to be able to be even after tests and IUI's and every intervention they've ever tried.
Mothers' Day is a holiday worth celebrating. Mothers' Day should be celebrated. But on Mothers' Day let us pray for those who are wounded by the holiday. For the women, and even men, that lament on Mothers' Day, please know that I hurt with you.
When I was a boy and I needed comfort, I rarely went to Dad. My dad is a great fixture in my life, but when I had a physical or emotional wound I went to Mom. Mom would put me on her lap and kiss away the pain and wipe away my tears.
God is our Heavenly Father, but He also has all the great traits of moms. The beauty and strength and ability to create life that moms have are a shinning example of the image of God. God is like a mother is so many ways.
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation 21:4
To all of you that hurt on Mothers' Day, I want you to know that it is more than okay to hurt. Your pain and agony is valid. But do not mourn as those who have no hope. Lament with hope. It hurts now and it stings so much, but Jesus will one day put you on His lap and wipe every tear from your eyes. He will make all that is wrong (the death, infertility, estrangement, etc) right again. He will fix it all.
To those who hurt on Mothers' Day know that our God loves you today.

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