In reading 1 Peter chapter four today I was told the end of all things is near.
"The end of all things is near." 1 Peter 4:7a
Well, shoot. The end of the world is near. It says it in black and white.
Peter announces that the end of all things is near and then gives us instructions on how to live in light of that fact. Before we look at that I want to address those who think Peter may have been wrong since he wrote that sentence two-thousand years ago.
Peter was not wrong. He was not like the crazy "numerologist" who claims to have found a code for when the apocalypse would take place. He isn't the strange guy who's predicted the date of the rapture three times. Peter is right: the end of all things is near. From Christ's resurrection to now we have been in the last times. The Second Coming of Christ could be today and that statement has been true every day from His coming out of the tomb to today. We are one blink of an eye from the end of the world and we could be another thousand years from the end. We don't know when the day is but we do know that it is as near as ever.
So, Peter proclaims that the end is near and then gives instructions. Let's look at the passage:
"The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 4:7-11
Let's quickly break down what we must be in response to the news that the end of all things in near:
1) Pray
We must pray. In fact, we must have a clear mind so that we can pray and be self-controlled so we can pray. Peter says that our prayers can be dampened by a cluttered mind. Our prayers are most effective when we clear out the junk and replace it with thoughts about and to God. Peter also says we must have self-control in order to pray well. Prayer is a delight but it also is a discipline. We must have self-control in order to have a healthy prayer life and a thriving prayer life is needed in our doomsday prep kit.
2) Love Each Other Deeply
Peter says we must love each other deeply and that this is the most important thing in light of the end of all things. Why? Because love covers a multitude of sins. If we are going to live with one another we will sin against one another and we need love to cover up those sins. When is the last time you've been offended and elected to let love cover that up? Without deep love we won't be prepared to live in the last days.
3) Offer Hospitality Without Grumbling
How many had this down until the "without grumbling" part? Offering hospitality is one of the themes of the entire Bible. Look at it yourself and you'll see Abraham being blessed for it, Sodom cursed for a lack of it, Israel blessed and cursed for being on both sides of it, and the Savior's parents needing it on the night of His birth. Hospitality is a BIG deal to God. Hospitality is not being Martha Stewart; hospitality is having the posture that all of "my" stuff is actually God's and then acting accordingly.
4) Use Gift to Serve Others
Whatever talents you have (and yes you can call to mind the parable of the talents) are given to you by God. Even if you think, "I've worked hard to hone this skill", the talent itself and even the desire to craft it comes from above. Every good gift comes from above (James 1:17). Therefore all of our gifts are to be used to serve others in the name of Jesus. God gives grace to others through you. Are you being a faithful administer of His grace? Peter says if you can speak (and he doesn't necessarily mean speak well) then do it as if you're speaking for God. If you are writing then do it as a representative of Jesus. If you can play baseball or do hair or trim trees or cook or drive a car, do all things for others in the name of Jesus. Why? "... so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ."
The end of all things is near. How's your prayer life? How deeply are you loving others? How are you at offering hospitality without grumbling? How are you using your gifts to serve up God's grace to others?
The end of all things is near and this is the assignment. How are you going to prep for the end? Be obedient to Peter's end times instructions today.

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