
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Lent Challenge 2015

Today is Ash Wednesday and marks the beginning of the time on the church calendar known as Lent. Many of you are abstaining from something beginning today in observance of Lent.  From now until Easter you will give something up.  I, however, will be doing the opposite.  Since 2011 I have added a disciple during Lent and it has had a great personal impact every year.  I add the discipline of blogging.  Rather than blogging once a week I write daily.  I find that this helps keep me accountable to read and think about my God in a critical way on a more constant basis.  I hope you join me for the next several weeks as I write.

While I'm thrilled if you decide to read what I write during Lent, I hope that you consider doing something for Lent.  Whether you add a discipline or abstain from something I find it to be a highly effective practice for maturing in your faith.

If you are looking to abstain from something here are some ideas of things to take a break from: TV, social media, coffee, sugary foods, games on a phone, etc.  If you're looking for a way to give something up and help others I want to share this idea with you.  My dad is giving up all drinks but water this Lent.  He then is donating the money that he would have spent on coffee, pop, tea, etc to a ministry that provides safe water to those who need it.  I think that is an excellent idea and many people across the world are doing just that, it's called 40 Days of Water.

If you're looking to add a discipline I have some ideas of things to add to your life: Bible reading, praying, reading books, exercising, letter writing, etc.  I don't think that this discipline has to be "spiritual" necessarily.  I think we underestimate how all things can be done for the glory of God including physical disciplines.  You may surprise yourself and what begins as a Lenten challenge may turn into a positive habit.

Let Lent be a time when you grow closer to God.  I hope that you read along with me as I fully expect to taught during this time, but more than that I hope that you do some sort of Lenten Challenge, too.

I challenge you to do something to grow your faith today.

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