
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Social Justice

I'm at a point right now where I haven't had much inspiration to write anything.  That being said I do not want to get out of the habit of writing and reading.  So, this will be a short post.

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy."
Proverbs 30:8-9

"Seek justice,
encourage the oppressed.
Defend the cause of the fatherless,
plead the case of the widow."
Isaiah 1:17

"He defended the cause of the poor and needy,
and so all went well.
Is that not what it means to know me?'
declares the Lord.
Jeremiah 22:16

All I want to say is this, "How we doing on this?"  "Is that not what it means to know me?' declares the Lord."

Speak for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy today.

1 comment:

  1. Just found this article today from Tim Keller. http://www.relevantmagazine.com/god/practical-faith/what-biblical-justice
