
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Monday, November 16, 2020

The Fear of Death

COVID-19 and the 246,000 deaths in the United States from it have awakened a fear of death in many of us.  You can see this fear of death in our reaction to the news of coronavirus and our reactions to the various restrictions imposed to combat sars-cov-2.  

Those around me express the fear of death in two main ways: YOLO and YODO.

YOLO is an expression popularized by the Canadian rapper Drake in 2011.  It means "you only live once".  YODO is my acronym for "you only die once".  Both of these stem from a fear of death.


You only die once is the feeling of the one that protects life at all cost.  One life to die means, unlike a cat, you have to be super careful.  Stay safe.  Be careful.  Don't get crazy.  Safety first and foremost.

Extreme expressions of YODO are evidence that one has no security in the here after.  One has no assurance that to die is gain (Philippians 1:21).  These people can't imagine a life more precious than the life they are currently living and will guard it at all cost.


You only live once is the feeling of one that pursues current pleasure at all cost.  Jump off the bridge? Sure, YOLO!  These people can't imagine living a life of pure safety because that means living a life of regrets.  These people try to squeeze the marrow out of each moment because you only live once.  These people can't imagine pleasures more precious than the ones here and now and will pursue them at all cost.  These people don't trust that "in your presence there is fulness of joy and at your right hand are pleasures forevermore" (Psalm 16:11).  They lack an eternal mindset.  They don't believe that whatever pleasures are missed now will more than be made up for in the next life.

YOLO and YODO have one chief concern: But what if I die?  FOMO (fear of missing out) is their big fear.  One fears death for love of life and one fears coming to death having missed out on earthly pleasures.

Neither YOLO or YODO can be the posture of the Christian.
"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21

So, how am I navigating the season of COVID while fighting to walk by faith and not in fear?  I'm trying to have the presence of mind to ask myself these three questions:

1) Am I loving God?

Does my decision or action demonstrate my love for God?  Do I express trust in His sovereignty, love, providence and provision?  Am I being selfish or am I trying to do it all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31)?

2) Am I loving my neighbor?

Would I want people to do what I am about to do if I was my business owning neighbor, my cancer patient neighbor, my democrat neighbor, my republican neighbor, my Christian neighbor, my atheist neighbor?  Am I seeking my own safety or theirs, too?  Am I seeking my own pleasure or theirs, too?

3) Am I advancing the Kingdom?

Do my actions make the rule and reign of Jesus seem appealing or appalling? When this is all said and done will my community think Christians were sincerely loving because of my actions?  Do my actions make earth a little more like Heaven (Matthew 6:10)?

I don't have all the answers and I am bummed at the thought of spending Thanksgiving at home instead of surrounded by extended family.  I'm sad but unafraid.  I'm trying to fear God more than death in any of its expressions.

Fight the fear of death whether it looks like YODO or YOLO.  Fight to love God, love people and advance the Kingdom today. 

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