
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Friday, March 13, 2020

How to Think Biblically About COVID-19

COVID-19, popularly known as coronavirus, is here and is impacting our health and economy. I do not think this is a hoax. Whether we are over or under reacting can't truly ever be known unless you're Marty McFly. I'm not a medical professional and I have no idea what this all will look like in a month, let alone by Monday. But I have been thinking about how to approach this in a Biblical manner. We must take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5) and put it under the authority of God and what we know of Him through His Word. Below are some bullet points on how to think Biblically about COVID-19.

Love Your Neighbor As Yourself- Mark 12:31

This is actually my two-and-a-half year old son Joshua's memory verse of the month. This is how we must act. We're told this virus is mostly harmful to older people and those with preexisting conditions. While we might not be at risk, they are. Do what you would want to have done if it was your wife, grandma, child or yourself that was at risk. If there is a moment in the future where people who are sick aren't being cared for then go help them as you are able and would want them to for you. Treat infected people as you would want to be treated if you were infected. Treat people who have come back from a trip as you would be treated.  Treat people how you would want to be treated if you were unable to work.  Love people who aren't you.

Don't Fear- 2 Timothy 1:7

Don't let yourself be controlled by fear as if God was not in control. Don't fear as one who has no hope. Be brave, but don't be a cavalier fool. If all your thoughts are consumed by fear then there is nothing left to give your Savior and His people. Let the world see your courage that is rooted in the Spirit that God has given you.

Remember Your Mortality- Psalm 90:12

Don't fear, but don't fool yourself; you are mortal on this side of Heaven. The deaths on the news are happening to people just like you. But don't let this lead to despair; rather let this remembering teach you to take advantage of Today while it is still called Today (Hebrews 3:13). There is much wisdom to be gained from this remembering of our limited days.

Trust Authority- Romans 13:1-4

God has established the authorities governing our world. From the WHO and CDC to President Trump we are living under authority that God in His sovereignty has placed over us. This does not mean that they are perfect, but that the default setting of every Christian is appropriate submission to them. That means when guidelines are given they are meant for our good. When gatherings are canceled it is for our good. Don't be a blind, idiot follower but don't assume they are having these guidelines as some worldwide conspiracy to sell soap, or whatever the latest conspiracy theory is.

Trust in God's Sovereignty and Goodness- Romans 8:28

In all things God works for our good. All things = all things, even COVID-19. I don't know what the good is as of today, but I do know that God is sovereign and He is good to us. Let the world watch you believe this verse.

Detox From Other 'gods'- Exodus 20:3

Like many of you I have made gods out of some of the pleasures in my life. Sports are not naturally at odds with God, I think I will be playing and watching them in Heaven. Yet, my sports fandom can become a god. Lent is a time when we fast from these good things that can try to become god-things in our lives. Perhaps God is using this to detox us from these gods. I wouldn't have given up March Madness for Lent, but I am now. There are many pleasures (parties, plays, trips, games, etc) that we are being told and will be told not to do for the good of public health. This COVID-19 season will test how much I love the LORD my God and my neighbor. It will test how much comforts and pleasures have tried to replace the One True God in my life.

Pray for the Good of the Community- Jeremiah 29:7

God tells us to pray for the good, the peace and the prosperity of our towns, counties, states, countries and world. We are to seek our community's welfare to pray for it. So, you aren't a doctor, nurse or even someone who understands this pandemic, you can be one who prays to the Great Physician. That is an amazing privileged, honor and responsibility.

Approach COVID-19 as one who has taken his thoughts captive today.

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