
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Matthew 15

Take time to read this chapter.  For those of you from Grace this chapter will be an overview of the last couple of sermons from Pastor Jim.  He preached these same stories out of the book of Mark.  I'll try not to be too repetitive.

We in the Church have many rules and traditions.  Some of these rules and traditions are straight mandates from scripture, some are not.  In Matthew 15 Jesus talks about silly rules.  Jesus' disciples are getting ridiculed because they don't ceremonially wash their hands before eating.  This ceremonial washing is part of the 'tradition of the elders', not from actual Biblical law.

Jesus finds this ridiculing to be stupid and silly.  He tells the Pharisees, basically, that they are putting the traditions of men ahead of scripture.

We do this too.  We have many rules and traditions: praying before a meal, Ash Wednesday, church on Sunday, not wearing hats in church, etc.  Some of these are great things to do and great traditions to have.  However, do not let the 'What' become more important than the 'Why'!  Don't be so consumed by rules that we forget to love God and love people.

I remember one time we had church at the park in Springville and a young guy from the high school, who normally didn't come, came.  He had a baseball cap on.  As he walked into the pavilion for church an older man yelled at him for having his hat on in God's house.  Now I love and respect this older man, BUT "Who the Hell are we to set a dress code for God's house?"  I coached this young guy and was excited that he came to church, but I never saw him at church again.

Shame on us if we make Christianity into an obstacle course.  Verse 14, "If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit."

I'm sorry I get emotional about that.

Also, in this chapter Jesus feeds the 4,000.  In this story the disciples doubt Jesus.  They had already seen Jesus feed 5,000+, but they doubted again.

We do this too, so don't judge the disciples.  We need to remember God's answer to prayers and expect that He will answer our next prayer.

So remember that we need to put the 'Why' before the 'What' in our run towards God as a family and we need to remember the miracles that God has already done for us while we ask for another miracle today.


  1. I sometimes get upset with people who keep their hats on while singing the Star Spangled Banner. or they talk or they chew gum or talk on their cell phone.
    Now hats ~! should not be worn in public places, restrauants ~ movies~ church~ libraries~ you know public places.. What happen to be respectful when in these places..
    But I feel when we have church in the park that if someone shows up with a hat that is O.K. But I have also come down to thinking that if someone comes to our church and doesn't take off his hat that's O.K. too. He just hasn't had any training...from his parents. Important thing he is in church and hopefully listening to the word.. and someday accept Jesus Christ into their lives.. Sometimes we just need to feed the soul ~! We ALL were not blessed by good parents that taught us what to wear and how to act.
    You have a tiggeriffic day~! Ta Ta For Now:) You are a great young man ~!

  2. I agree. Taking off your hat is a sign of respect. I get upset when people don't do it during the National Anthem as well. However, we get too wrapped up in our rules sometimes to recognize when God has given us an opportunity to love someone.

    Also, you are right about another thing. We are blessed when we grow up in a home when respect and healthy fear of the Lord is taught. I wish everyone could have the parents that I do.

  3. This is so very true! We get way too caught up with the unimportant things that we forget the BIG picture, God's commandment to us to go out and share His Word. I was not aware of that story that you shared about the boy coming into the pavilion with his hat on, but it sickens me to think that a "mature Christian" would chase this boy off rather than embrace him into the church! We all need to think before we act, WWJD?
