
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Not Matthew

So, the Bible study on the Gospel of Matthew has gotten a week behind.  Therefore, no new Matthew post.    But I'd better write something or I'll be like Patrick (kid leaves me hangin').

Aren't good friends good?  I guess by definition, yes.  But have you taken time to thank God for good friends.  I have been looking around me lately and realizing how lucky I am to have friends who let me be a part of their life.

I have got to believe this is a huge gift from God because I need good friends.  I am the type of person (whoops, I'm talking about myself and not God.  I knew bloggers were full of themselves) who needs people in their life.  I get charged by people.  I get excited being around people.  I do like some alone time, but I love being with friends.

So thank you God for good friends and thank you friends for allowing God to use you in my life.

Having said all this, I've got to admit that I don't always love some people as a friend.  There are many people out there that feel alone today and I'm not loving them.  They feel that no one cares about them.  Friends, be to them what you are to me.  I want to be to them what you are to me: a reflection of God's love.

So reflect God's love and be a friend today, maybe even to someone you wouldn't normally think of.

1 comment:

  1. It's O.K. if you talk about yourself..Bloggers are very good at that.. If you look at my blog it's all about Ben and me and my family..How else are people to know about you, what you like, dislike, how you feel about things, telling people what you are doing. As long as you are not gossiping ~ I think it's O.K. Yes,God gets the glory in all the blessings he gives us daily. Friends are a must in all our lives and I thank God for ALL my friends. So let your hair down and talk about yourself.. it's O.K. Glad to read your bible studies, they are very good. Ta Ta For Now~!
