There are a lot of factors that make a good leader. There are graduate level programs that teach leadership and leadership techniques. We are surrounded by information about what leadership is and how to lead.
When it comes to leadership in the church there are many different roles and qualities that the leader must have and fill. But of all the things a leader must be there is one thing that comes to the forefront in my mind:
A leader must be a lead-follower.
"Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." 1 Corinthians 11:1
The leaders that have impacted me the most have been lead-followers of Christ. The leaders I love the most have had lives worthy of repeating. The leaders I have been drawn to the most have impressed me with their personal faithfulness. The leaders that I trust the most have fathering habits I want to copy. The leaders that I follow are ones that have lives I would want to have, too.
The leaders that have disappointed me the most are the ones that have been in the Emperor's Clothes. The leaders that have made me saddest are the ones that have hypocritical realities; they're are the ones whose mouths don't match their actions.
As churchgoers we often focus on programs but more often than not it's the people that make the difference in the lives of those in the programs. The programs that are the best are the ones that help us see the lead-followers in action. These programs are like line dancing nights where the newbies learn the steps from the dancers that follow the steps the best.
So, do you want to be an effective leader in your church? Follow Jesus closely and put yourself around people.
If you're already a leader in your church please remember that you are a lead-follower. Remember who you are following. Remember to value the Word and to obey it. Remember to lead a life worth emulating. Be a lead-follower today.