
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Happy Anniversary, Christine

"He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD." Proverbs 18:22

Today is our 3rd anniversary and I know this proverb to be true.

Christine is perhaps the most tangible demonstration of grace God has ever bestowed on me.  There are many times I look at her and am thankful for the favor I've received from the LORD.  There are many times when I think about what a good woman I have.

See, before I started dating Christine I wondered if what type of woman I would end up with.  I'd begin to wonder if I'd need to settle.  I thought I could either find a woman that was nice and fun but someone I was less than completely attracted to or I would find an attractive woman who was less than what I dreamed of in every other way.  Then I found Christine and was amazed that I didn't need to settle, in fact I got more than I ever wanted.  Christine is everything I ever wanted in a wife.

My wife is my definition of beauty.  She is so beautiful and I can't believe some times that someone that looks like she does loves me.  What's even more amazing is that I occasionally have to try to convince her that she's beautiful... I'm teaching her though.

My wife is a woman of incredible character.  To quote Jack Nicholson, Christine "you make me want to be a better man."  I am a more understanding and patient man because of Christine.  My wife pursues God with more effort than I ever have and that inspires me.

A year before I met Christine I wrote this and she's been an exact answer to this prayer:

"What I want is someone to hold my hand as we run toward Christ together.  I want a companion who will encourage me to run with more endurance and speed than I am now.  I want to pick up the pace every day as we run side-by-side."

Happy Anniversary, Christine.  We've only been married three years and we've not had a hard season yet, but know that I meant what I said on August 17, 2013: I will be here.  There will be tough days ahead I've been told, but I will always be here.  I will choose to love you for the rest of my life and when I find that difficult I will remind myself that "He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD."  You are a gift of God with skin on and I cherish that.

Happy Anniversary, Christine.  And for the rest of you, thank you for your continued prayers, love and support.  May God bless you nearly as much as he's blessed me today.

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