
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Let Them Hate a Piece


He was sure the doctor kept talking after that word, but that's the last word that mattered to him.


The doctor's lips continued to move, but he was sure that all Mr. M.D. was saying was "So, you're going to die and you better get ready for that."  Again, he didn't listen to what the doctor was saying after the big "C-bomb" was dropped earlier.

As he drove home he reviewed everything in his life he was sure to lose.  Family, friends, his life's work... everything.

The house was empty when he arrived home.  So, he grabbed his old King James Version of the Bible and randomly flipped it open.

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purposes." Romans 8:28

"Ha!  Funny God... NOT!"

How was this working for his good?  How was cancer something good from a loving God?  This couldn't be.

His family was coming home in a few hours and he couldn't think of anything to do but go outside and scream, but for some reason he kept sitting and thinking about that verse.  The verse continued to roll around and around for hours until he heard the garage door open.

"Dad, how'd your appointment go?  Did they figure out why your headaches are so bad?"

"Guys sit down.  I have some big news."

"You're not pregnant, are you?"  His oldest quipped.

"No, I'm serious, we've got to talk.  The doctor said it's cancer."

Tears immediately began running down the faces of his kids and his wife just looked stunned, empty.

"I'm not going to lie, I'm scared.  I'm angry at God and I'm scared I'm going to lose you and I'm terrified of the treatments and I just don't know what to do."

Then he read, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purposes."

"Guys, I don't know why God is doing this to me, but I have to believe that because I'm His child all things work together for good.  See, I hate this piece, I hate it to its core right now, but I trust that the puzzle will be perfect.  I wish this piece wasn't part of the puzzle, but the only thing I have left is to trust the puzzle-maker.  I have to hold on to faith that all things aren't good but that all things work together to create an end product that is."

Tears continued to stream down the kids faces and now he and his wife were a mess as well.

"Please guys, let me hate this piece but help me love and trust the puzzle-maker because I can't do it alone."

This short story isn't based on a personal situation or one that I know exactly.  But we've all seen or been involved in similar stories.  We sometimes hate the individual pieces of the puzzle.  We hate the war, famine, disease, discord.  We can't understand why God allows such bad things to happen to those He's called His children; but we have to in faith be able to hate the situation and still trust that God is sovereign and working all things together for our good and His glory.

Let yourself and others feel free to hate the piece but still trust that the puzzle or tapestry will be beautiful, today.


  1. Thank You for posting this Matthew. I am praying continuously for Larry and all of you. I Love You All!

  2. Sorry to hear this Matt about your father will put him in my prayers.
