
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Children's Ministry Workers Rock!

If you work in children's ministry of any kind I want to say one thing to you.  You're awesome.  Whether you work in Sunday School, teach children's church, organize VBS... whatever it is that you are doing with children I want you to know that your work is important.

I love kids, but I find it amazing that anyone can get them to slow down and pay attention for one moment let alone an entire Sunday School class.  What children's ministry workers do astounds me and I believe it to be incredibly important and I would argue that King David would, too.  Look at what he wrote in Psalm 8.

"From the lips of children and infants
you have ordained praise
because of your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger."  Psalm 8:2

God ordains praise from the lips of children.  He loves it when children and even infants enjoy His good gifts and praise Him for it.  I can tell you that it melts my heart, too, to see a child talk or sing about Jesus and His goodness.

But why does God ordain praise from children?

Look at Psalm 8:2 more closely, paying close attention to the second half of it.  See, God ordains praise from children because of His enemies.  Huh?  Keep looking.  God ordains praise from children to silence the foe and the avenger.

Mysteriously and amazingly, the praise of children shuts Satan up.  A child shouting "YEEESSS!  Jesus love me!" in song puts a muzzle on the Devil.  Somehow, singing "Father Abraham" can gag Lucifer.  Incredibly, a baby smiling and making sounds because he enjoys the gift of his mother's presence can put a cork in our Adversary.

This means that children's ministry is frontline work in the army of God.  This means that children's ministry is what keeps kids busy so their parents can sit through an entire sermon.  Children's ministry is about defeating Satan.  And while Satan is silenced God will speak to those young ears and they can hear and understand the Gospel even at a young age.

Children's ministry workers I thank you.  You have a gifting that I don't have and I thank you and I thank God that you use your gifting.  What you do is incredibly important.  Don't ever forget it.

"From the lips of children and infants
you have ordained praise
because of your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger." Psalm 8:2

Parents and children's ministry workers, teach children how to shut up Satan today.

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