
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Matthew 27

Please read Matthew 27.

Matthew 27:44 "In the same way the robbers who were crucified with Him also heaped insults on Him."

That's the complete story of Jesus and the robbers during the crucifixion according to Matthew, but isn't there more?  According to Luke 23 one of these robbers repented.  I like that story more.

I mean, in Luke's telling we see a man who had nothing to bring to the table.  A man who was on his last day and Jesus promised him heaven.  God's grace was enough for this man.

So, why on earth would Matthew 27 leave that out?  What's important about Matthew 27's telling of this part of the story?

Here's my take: Matthew wants to highlight how Jesus won this robber over.

So, how did Jesus win this man over?  Humility and endurance.  Jesus was humble; He could have sent 10,000 angels to take Him off the cross, but in humility He bore our punishment.  Jesus was humble on the cross.  Jesus endured with grace; He was being tortured, insulted, and humiliated.  But Jesus did not lash out.  Many times when people were crucified they would yell back, spit back and even urinate on those watching; Jesus did none of this.  Jesus endured with humility and grace.

Jesus wasn't dynamic on the cross.  He didn't persuade this robber that He was right.

We need to follow Christ's example with people.  Now did Jesus always use this approach to reach people?  No.  But some people need to see us live our lives with humility and grace under pressure to believe that we really believe what we say we believe.  When we talk the talk and walk the walk when life is good, our witness is fair.  When we talk the talk and walk the walk when we are suffering, our witness is amazing.

So, be like Jesus.  Be humble and endure when the road is the toughest.  Shine for Jesus today.

1 comment:

  1. People will understand when you lack grace while going through a bad situation...but they won't be changed by it.
