
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Love Letter

Have you ever written a love letter?  Have you ever received a love letter?  Do you enjoy listening to love songs?

If you said 'yes' to any of the above or wish you could say 'yes' to any of the above you can help me out.  Read this and then I want to ask the ladies for some help.

"...This is what the Lord says,
He who created you, O Jacob,
He who formed you, O Israel:
'Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
The flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the Lord, your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior."
-Isaiah 43:1-3

This is a love letter from God to you.

So ladies, if some guy wrote something similar how would you feel?  Especially think of the lines like: "I have summoned you by name; you are mine."  or "I will be with you... When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned."

So often in love letters guys use hyperbole that they could never live up to.  (i.e. "I'd catch a grenade for you.")  But get this, God can't do hyperbole because all things are possible for Him.

So, how does a love letter like this from God make you feel?  Please post your response today.


  1. I feel that the line "I will be with you" in itself is a powerful statement, from man and God. It assures us that we aren't alone, and never will be.

    Something that I love about God's love for me is that he sought me. He fought for me. I couldn't do anything, and as the woman I really shouldn't, or feel I shouldn't. My beauty brought God's strength out, and He wanted that with Him in Heaven, so He conquered the impossible to make it possible for me to be with Him.

    "When you pass through the waters.." I refer lots of things to water and storms, so hearing this from God really touches me. This statement can mean to me waters=storms and trials or waters=healing and tranquility. I feel God romances me most in His nature and creation. Can't help but walk and look up on a night like we had tonight at Pulse.

    My favorite "love letter" from God is probably Hosea 2:14-23. There is such passion and compassion from God to His chosen nation...to me.

    Getting a love letter would probably give me that butterfly feeling inside, and give me such a joy in my heart that God has given someone the strength to seek after me. God created such a perfect unity through marriage, and I would be at peace and probably intoxicated with thanksgiving and praises that I can finally share in that. Not going to lie...being held in the arms of someone that loves me is probably the closest I can get to feeling God's physical grip on me.

    I will stop there, because with this topic I feel like I could go on forever.

  2. I think that is beautiful! Such an incredible gesture to take the time to hand-write your personal sentiments of another. Something so romantic of such an overture. Speaks to a formality in the traditional courting process whereby a man would declare his intentions in writing before pursuing a woman
    REGARDLESS on weather she likes you or not, women LOVE love letters :P the reason is because they feel important. I mean ANYONE can give roses but in a letter it is "from the heart" or at least it should be and also its evidence that the person giving it REALLY cares because not many guys will sit there and write a letter to their wives much less a girlfriend. ya know?

  3. Thanks.

    I need a reminder like this a lot - that God IS with us and loves us.

    Consider yourself followed.

  4. Honestly? Before a guy could write a love letter like you envision and have it be received well he better be acting that way. Words on a page don't mean a thing if the actions aren't there to back it up. Now if the actions were already there and I received a love letter like you describe; definitely would make me feel secure in his love and I would respect him even more. Letters are great to get because you can keep them and read again when you are feeling unloved or the relationship is going through a tough time. It gives you something to remind you of the good times.

    I have a long-distance friend whose cards I've kept. We talk on the phone but when he's on a mission trip and I can't talk to him but really want to, I pull out a card and read it. It reassures me of his feelings towards me even when he's not around to verbalize them.
    Guess that's why God had the Bible written--so we can read it, remember and "hear" His voice. So have I just told myself that's why I need to read my Bible? Guess so....

  5. Thank you all for your comments. I really enjoyed getting to read your perspective.
