
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Advent- Malachi 1

As we approach Christmas (which is much closer than I thought) we are in a time of Advent.  A time of expecting.  So I want to look at the final book of the Old Testament, Malachi.  I thought this would be fitting (because it is the last book of the period of expecting and waiting) and not exactly the same as what  you've been getting everywhere else.

I bet many of you, or even most of you, have never sat down and read Malachi.  I encourage you to do that.  Let's start with chapter 1.

In this chapter God is upset with the Israelites.  We often take this time to point fingers at them, but when we do we find that the finger is pointing straight at us.

God is upset because the people are bringing him their leftovers.  When they make a sacrifice they give a blind, ugly animal; not the best.  God hates this.

I do this.  I give God the leftovers of my life.  I pray, if I have time.  I read my Bible, when I feel like it. I share his Gospel, if I wont get made fun of.  I, figuratively, give God my blind calf, even when I have better.

Verse 14 "Cursed is the cheat who has an acceptable male in his flock and vows to give it, but then sacrifices a blemished animal to the Lord.  For I am a great king,' says the Lord Almighty, 'and my name is to be feared among the nations."

Don't give God less than your best.

Verse 8  "Try offering them (bad sacrifices) to your Governor."

God is saying that you wouldn't give scraps to your boss or family or friends or self.  So don't give God scraps.

Don't put God first in a priority list.

What? Matt that doesn't make sense!

Yes, it does.  God is not to be fit into your life, even as first priority.  God, as Francis Chan put it, did not save you to be a part of your life.  God is not a priority in the Christian life, He is the hub.  God should be critical in every part of the Christian's life.  When at school- God.  When at work- God.  When with your girlfriend- God.  When on the crapper- God.  I mean, seriously, He is to be your All in All, not just a priority!

This is hard and God knows I continue to give Him scraps and make Him a priority (sometimes not even priority #1).  But why does God demand this of us?  Look at verse 2, which is how God begins his criticism.  It is the reason for the criticism.

Verse 2 "I have loved you,' says the Lord"

God loves you so much that He wants only the best for you and He is the best... hands down, no questions asked.  Do you believe that?

So make God the hub of your life and stop giving Him the scraps of your life in this Advent season.  Make your life about Him today.

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