
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Monday, December 30, 2024

2024's 5 Star Books

 My resolution for 2024 was to read more books.  Outside of the books I read with my kids (Roald Dahl classics like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the Narnia series, Harry Potter series were awesome to read with them), I read 25 non-fiction books and 1 slightly-fiction book.

I don't know what reading resolution I will give myself in 2025 or whether I will repeat this one, but I did really enjoy my 2024 in books.  Some of the books were quick reads, some were slow chewing, some were absolutely wonderful and a couple were hardly worth my time.

I didn't do a book report on each by any means but I did do a rudimentary rating system.  Any book that is a 5 Star is a tome worth recommending.  Below are my 5 Star books and links to find them and my extremely brief note on each.

The Screwtape Letters -Everyone should read this

The Holiness of God - Great read to realign your affections to God's holiness

The Heart of Christ -Tough read, but soaked in lovely truths

The Anxious Generation -A must read for parents and educators

A Praying Life -Makes me want to pray

Leadership is an Art -I wish every boss would read it as it portrays an organization of worth

100 Portraits of Christ -Tremendous devotional book

Gay Girl, Good God -Great memoir of God's goodness

Life Together -A read for all who would gather and all who would lead

A Long Obedience in the Same Direction -It made me love the Psalms of Assent

Every Good Endeavor -Would be a wonderful book for a work discussion

The books above are my 5 Star.  These are the best-of-the-best and my favorites of the year.  If you're interested in the others and are looking for a book recommendation, let me know.  It's been a fun year of reading.  

I wish you a Happy New Year and perhaps a great day of reading today.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Christmas Letter 2024

 Merry Christmas from the Rays!

We hope this letter finds you well and ready to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior.  2024 has been another year of watching our family grow and change.  

Matt is still working at KWAY radio and has now for over 15 years.  He continues to host the morning show and call live sporting events.  This Fall he returned to volunteering in youth ministry at the church after a year away from it.

Christine stays at home with the kids and also works about a night a week at the walk in clinic as a nurse.  She is glad to be able to have the ability to be home with the kids in their early years.  She's also enjoyed being involved in Bible Study Fellowship.  This Fall she experienced a life change as she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.  She's learning how to manage this new reality in her life.

Jamari has lived all of 2024 in Georgia.  He will turn 20 on Christmas Eve!  He says this year has been a great time of mental and spiritual growth.  He also has been working on a book that he hopes to have released soon.

Joshua is 7 and is in 2nd grade.  He's really excelling in reading and enjoys spending lots of time playing with his best friend who lives on our block.  Joshua has become a Harry Potter expert after finishing the series.  He also is very involved in a number of REC sports and activities and loves being a member of his Trail Life troop.

Anna is 5 and is in kindergarten and is our artist.  She's often creating some sort of picture or project.  Anna is so excited to be learning to read and had such pride when she was able to read an entire Dick and Jane book by herself.  She also enjoys doing activities like gymnastics and soccer.

Gideon is 3 and is in preschool.  His grandpa has called him Mr. Wiggles since he was in utero and the nickname is appropriate as he's always up to something.  He's our most strong-willed child but also the most sweet to his little sister.  Gideon loves music and is captivated by everything from music on a phone to The Nutcracker live.

Faith is 16 months.  She is growing like a weed and wants badly to keep up with her older siblings.  She is walking everywhere.  She absolutely loves baby dolls and necklaces.  Faith is picking up some words and it won't be long until she's talking.  No one, outside of Christine, spends much time not talking.

This Christmas we put our hope in and take our joy from Emmanuel: God is with us.  Jesus is with us in our joys, in our growth, in our changes and in our pains.  Knowing that our faithful God is with us gives us strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.  We look back at 2024 and see all the good God has done in and for us and we look forward to 2025 with excited confidence because Jesus is our Emmanuel.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Rays.