Now the owners have since consulted with a pastor who informed them that they were dead wrong. They have apologized as of today for their stupidity (my words not theirs). I sure hope the couple still doesn't give them a dime after this, but that's up to them.
I'm saddened that this sentence is even relevant to type today, "A theology in opposition to interracial marriage is an abominable theology from the pits of Hell."
People sadly have missed this and it has made Christ look less beautiful to the world. Bob Jones University didn't end its ban on interracial dating until George W. Bush's campaign visit ignited public attention that shamed them into doing so in the year 2000. Bob Jones University's thinking propagated blatant racism under the banner of Jesus. What an absolute shame.
The Bible has always stood against this garbage theology. Remember the story of Miriam and Aaron criticizing Moses for his black wife? Moses was married to a Cushite woman. Cush was a region south of modern Ethiopia and there is no doubt she had black skin and God's response to Miriam and Aaron shows that the blackness of her skin was their complaint.
"Miriam and Aaron began to talk against Moses because of his Cushite wife, for he had married a Cushite." Numbers 12:1
Miriam and Aaron resented Moses because he married a black woman. Pay attention to God's response.
"The anger of the LORD burned against them, and he left them.
When the cloud lifted from the Tent, there stood Miriam... leprous, like snow." Numbers 12:9-10a
Pastor John Piper says it's as if God said, "You like being light skinned, Miriam? I'll make you light skinned." He adds that if anyone were "to think that black skin were a symbol of Biblical uncleanness, be careful; a worse white uncleanness could come upon you."
Most of you don't need this reminder but I'm giving it anyway. If you are one who believes this lie from Satan: repent immediately. Interracial marriage is not against Biblical teaching; in fact, any marriage covenant under the direction of the Holy Scriptures is beautiful because it points to the coming marriage between Christ and the Church.
I'm saddened by this story this week. I'm saddened that this sort of thinking still exists and stains the reputation of my Savior and wrecks the hearts of my brothers and sisters of various hues. Christians, let's stand for a more beautiful thing. Let's not let racist thinking turn our eyes away from what the Bible actually says today.

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