Sunday, September 23, 2012

Answered Prayer and Pillows (A.K.A. Why I Love My Church)

I know many of you reading this blog do not go to my church, Grace Baptist in Waverly, IA.  That being said I want to brag on my church and tell you about how God answers prayers.

I'll start the story from the beginning.

My small group has just started going through a study by N. T. Wright called "Surprised by Hope".  Last week was our first week of the study and I'll already say that I highly recommend it.  Anyway, at the end of the first session we were asked to pray the following things: "Pray for eyes to see the needs of the community around you.  Pray for your local church to become a beacon of hope in your community."

We specifically talked about how our community has greater needs than we first think.  As an example I began to describe the needs at Cedar Valley Friends of the Family  So, we prayed that our group would have a concrete way to be a beacon of hope for an organization like Cedar Valley Friends of the Family.

That prayer brings us to this morning.

This morning in the announcements at church that specific prayer was answered.  Pastor Brian said that Grace was pledging to provide pillows for Cedar Valley Friends of the Family (an organization I can't ever remember us giving to).  In the bulletin was a perforated sheet that could be filled out to pledge to give a pillow.  When that announcement was made I heard a cascade of tearing as people tore out the sheets to pledge a pillow.  It was awesome and immediate.  I almost teared up.  It was a fantastic reminder of one of the reasons I love my church.  People are people and differences will exist and frustrations will be expressed from time to time; but boy do they love.

This morning was great.  I had God respond to my prayer request quickly and clearly; and on top of that He reminded me again of the loving brothers and sisters He surrounded me with.  Sorry Pastor Jim, but that is the good news I heard this morning and that good news was proclaimed loudly in a cascade of tearing bulletins.

Now if you are a part of Grace and you missed this morning you still have the opportunity to give.  Bring a new pillow to church Sunday or before Sunday I guess.  We, as a church, have pledged to give twenty pillows but we are going to blow that number out of the water.  If you have any questions call the church 352-1464.  If you are not a part of Grace I'd encourage you to remember why you joined your community of believers.  I can tell you that it's so good to remember the blessing God gave us when He gives us a community of brothers and sisters.

God answers prayers.  Amen!  God puts the lonely in families.  Amen!  Thank God for His many blessings and for the community of believers He has given you today.


  1. Amen! Will we be there for the long-term though?

  2. I hope I'll be at Grace for the long-term. That being said, as a single person you never know. I have a lot to stay for, but then again not a lot of ties in Waverly. We'll see. I'll go wherever I'm supposed to go.

  3. Thanks for the news. I wasn't there this morning. I will have to bring a pillow on Wed.

  4. Prayer is a wonderful thing to have in your life. Holly and I got an answered prayer on Sunday.. Our church is moving into the Springville High School. The basement of the community building is moldy and so cold in the winter.
    Some of the kids and parents can't go down there because of the mold.. So we are happy that the vote yesterday was for the move.. have a tiggeriffic day~ ta ta for now..:)

  5. Anne, that is awesome to hear. I was hoping that would happen. I hope this enables FCF to have a better ministry to students that go to the Springville and families that can now walk to church.

    Thanks for the update. I'll have to call my dad and find out more.
