Monday, February 6, 2012

You Complete Me

Valentine's Day is next week and I just got back from my beautiful cousin Kirsten's wedding (I'm not sure beautiful cousin narrows it down in my family), so I've been thinking about relationships and marriage.  Don't worry, this isn't a completely sappy post and yes I will be back in Acts soon.  Anyway, I was thinking about relationships and marriage.

You've seen the movie Jerry Maguire, right?  It is a pretty good movie and it has some memorable lines.  "You had me at hello" "Show me the money" "Help me, help you" and of course, "You complete me." Great lines.  But "You complete me", is that what relationships are for?  Should I look for my better half.  Do I need to be completed by another person?

My cousin Nate (slightly less beautiful than Kirsten, but better than the average bear) officiated the wedding Saturday.  He said something that I've heard probably a hundred times before, but something we all need to hear again.  He said, "Don't expect the other person to be everything for you."  His point was that Kirsten is not going to be able to complete Phillip and Phillip won't be able to complete Kirsten.    Only God can complete you.

If you feel less than complete then find Jesus.  Jesus is the only one that can fill your life.  He promises to give us life to the max.  We can only be complete in Christ Jesus.

Where does that leave marriage?  While I'm not going to write about all that marriage is supposed to be Biblically (mostly because I'm not qualified to do it), I do want to give some advice to those of us who are single.

Don't look for someone to complete you.  Search out completion in Christ.  "It's not good for man to be alone".  The Holy Trinity said that.  Trust that God will not leave you alone.

Look for a companion, not the missing puzzle piece.  I want the woman that my sovereign God has prepared for me, but not because she can complete me.  I want a companion.

Then what's marital companionship look like?  I'm not completely sure yet.  All I know is that the analogy Paul gives us of running the race to the end is important to me.  What I want is someone to hold my hand as we run toward Christ together.  I want a companion who will encourage me to run with more endurance and speed than I am now.  I want to pick up the pace every day as we run side-by-side.

Sorry if that's a bit cheesy; but it makes more sense than "You complete me"... sorry Tom Cruise.

Search out the One who can complete you.  Be complete in Christ.  Run the race with endurance today.


  1. Well said Matt! I think there are too many people looking for something or someone to fill the void in their lives that only a relationship with Jesus can fill! Running the race side-by-side through the finish line I think is also an accurate representation of when Paul describes marriage as a woman leaving her family to be joined to her husband, where two become one! They're not two incomplete units, but rather two units combining to be one completely different unit!

  2. Companionship is all I've ever desired, not necessarily marriage. Still waiting and praying for a companion. Thankfully, God has supplied a companion in different areas; sometimes, though, I wish it were the same person in all those areas. It can get depressing when others think just because you don't desire marriage you don't need companionship.
