Monday, January 23, 2012

Acts 16- God the Rewarder

Acts 16 is one of the most memorable chapters in Acts.  In this chapter we meet Timothy; we read about Paul's vision of the man of Macedonia; Lydia and her household are converted in Philippi; Paul heals a fortune teller possessed by demons; and Paul and Silas pray and sing causing an earthquake that frees them from their chains in prison.  Take time to revisit this famous chapter in Acts.

There is a lot to be gleaned from this chapter of Acts.  We can learn about going beyond the minimum requirements for God, like Timothy did.  We could discuss how the Spirit communicates.  We might talk about how Paul didn't let the Devil put a good thing in the way of a great thing.  We could examine the power of prayer mixed with singing.  Or we could talk about the power of simply communicating the Gospel.  We can learn much from this chapter but I want to focus on one thing.

In Acts 16 we see how God is a rewarder.  We see this first with Lydia.  Lydia was a female business owner from Thyatira near Philippi.  She had a company that dealt expensive purple cloth.  Acts also says that Lydia was a worshiper of God, a seeker of God.

To understand more about Lydia you must realize that seeking God was not exactly accepted in Philippi.  Over the arches on the outside of the city of Philippi an inscription warned against bringing unrecognized religions into the city.  This is why Lydia and the other women met outside of the city by the river.  Lydia realized that she needed God.  She was seeking Him and knew that the religions inside the city walls couldn't help her.

God rewarded Lydia's earnest seeking of Him.  Remember, He said "Seek and you will find.  Knock and the door will be opened."  God rewards those who honestly seek Him.  V. 14 "Lydia... a worshiper of God.  The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul's message."  God saw that she was seeking so He opened her heart to be able to respond to the Gospel.

If you seek God He will be found.

God also rewards endurance with joy.  Paul and Silas (maybe Luke too) were beaten to a pulp and placed in the most secure part of a Philippian jail.  These men didn't respond to adversity by being angry at God; rather they "were praying and singing hymns to God."  What a reaction!  What a response!  God rewarded this response by setting them free and allowing them to continue to do His work by leading their jailer and his whole family to Christ.

God wants to teach us to rejoice in our sufferings and He rewards those who do.

Rewards are not always what we would typically view as rewards.  Lydia was rewarded with salvation. Awesome!  But she no doubt was persecuted for her new faith.  Paul and Silas were rewarded with freedom.  Great!  But later they were jailed and beaten again and eventually murdered.  Having said that, God's rewards are greater than what we typically view as rewards.

God is a rewarder of those who earnestly want to please Him and those who desperately want to depend on Him.  Seek God and rejoice in Him today.

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