
Paul says we Christians are running a race. Here's what I'm looking at on my run toward Christ.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Acts 8- The Unstoppable Force of the Gospel

Before you read this post take time to read Acts 8.

Acts 8 is amazing, but Acts 8 is most amazing because it follows Acts 7.  In Acts 7 we saw the murder of Stephen.  A murder like this could spell the end of a movement or at least a dip in a movement's momentum.  However, in Acts 8 we see the unstoppable force of the Gospel.  The Word spread like wildfire in the midst of persecution... take that Satan.

I want to take a look at three simple truths from this chapter.

1) Acts 8:1-8
Here we see that God used persecution to spread the Gospel.  The church at Jerusalem was comfortable staying in Jerusalem, but persecution drove them out.  Did God cause the persecution?  I don't know.  Did God use the persecution?  Heck yes.  I believe that God uses the hard times in our lives to do the same thing.

So, how is God trying to spread the Gospel through your trouble?

2) Acts 8:9-25
Pride is a dangerous sin, but it can be overcome.  In this story we see Simon the Sorcerer who was full of pride due to his position in the community.  Simon even desired status so much that he asked if he could pay the disciples to get the ability to give the Holy Spirit.  Now the disciples rebuked him and, as I read it, he was so humbled that he didn't even feel worthy to pray by himself for forgiveness.  I have a lot of pride in my life, thank God he can overcome my pride.  However, the removal of pride often comes from a harsh rebuke.

Are you able to take that kind of constructive criticism?

3) Acts 8:26-40
Sometimes God will ask us to leave a good situation to be in step with His plan.  Earlier in the chapter we saw Philip go from deacon to evangelist.  Philip got the opportunity to lead many people to Christ.  Then God told Philip to leave.  What must that have been like?  He must have wondered what God was thinking, but he went.  Because Philip left he was able to meet the Ethiopian Eunuch and lead him to Christ.  Did you know that the Ethiopian Church is one of the original Christian groups in the world?  If Philip wouldn't have left a good situation to stay in stride with God maybe the Gospel doesn't reach Ethiopia and millions die without having ever heard.

Is God calling you to leave a good situation to trust that He still has good in store for you?

Marvel at the unstoppable force of the Gospel and pray that you can be a part of God's work today.

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