We walked into the house and I stood in a house I was a bit afraid to be in.
"Mom and Dad, this is Matt." Christine said smiling.
My girlfriend introduced me to her parents in their home. I was welcomed very warmly because they are kind people and because their little girl loved me.
Many of you can remember the moment of being introduced to your girlfriend or boyfriend's parents. Usually being introduced to the parents is a big deal. You don't usually introduce someone to your parents unless you're serious about them. Well, that girlfriend is now my wife and her parents are my parents-in-law.
I thought of that moment when I read the passage below:
"He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my Father and His angels." Revelation 3:5
I will acknowledge his name before my Father and His angels.
Perhaps you do remember or at least can imagine the satisfaction of your significant other introducing you to his/her parents. But can you imagine the scene Jesus Himself tells us about in Revelation 3:5?!Imagine you walk into the throne room of God the Father. Angels surround Him. Flashes of lightning and rolls of thunder surround the throne. Light brighter than you have ever seen emanates from God and His angels. You walk nervously through the gates and into this court to stand before the Lord of all Creation.
"Dad, this is Matt. You're going to love him. I do." Jesus announces with a proud, wide, beaming smile and His arm around your shoulder.
Jesus Himself will acknowledge you. All that you need to do is overcome.What is overcoming? The one that overcomes is the one that holds on to their faith. An overcomer is one that never abandons the winning team. The one that overcomes is the one that confesses the name of Jesus no matter the cost. An overcomer is someone like Stephen who acknowledged Jesus while being stoned to death and a moment later Jesus acknowledged him before His Father.
"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." Revelation 3:6
Hear this: Hold on to Jesus and He will hold on to you and He will never and can never lose His grip on you and one day He will acknowledge your name before His Father.
Be an overcomer. Anticipate the honor Jesus has in store for you and hold on to faith today.